Zino Davidoff was a man with a sense for elements, who comprehended getting a charge out existing apart from everything else, and who made this pleasure rationality. Since the start of the most recent century Zino Davidoff’s rationality has been perceived and incredibly increased in value. It’s the genuine articles in life that make it worth living.
Zino Davidoff had an incredible comical inclination and a generally created feeling for the delightful things in life. A craftsman; who comprehended individuals, and regarded them who never dismissed his motivation; to improve life through appreciating its great thing.
The Zino Davidoff Group established in 1980 and began fabricating restricted items that incorporates eminence Fragrances. Today the Davidoff brand reverberates all through the world as one of definitive touchstones. At the wellspring of this example of overcoming adversity lie the author and the eponymous himself: Zino Davidoff.
The Silver Shadow is an oriental woody fragrance which was inaugurated in 2005. Fresh oranges and hot coriander open the piece, they prompt the perplexing heart joined of hot saffron and patchouli takes off. Warm, charming base notes characteristic arousing golden, benzoic and oak moss. Buy the Original Davidoff Silver Shadow 100ml online in Pakistan for just Rs.3299 with free home delivery all over Pakistan.